The Professional Messenger App.

All Free, All Pro, All Simple.

Chat easily, track any task and focus on what matters!


Enjoy a FREE app forever!

No need to pay to collaborate with your team, be well organized and track activities.
Work for FREE!

Need Unlimited History and Dedicated Support ?
Try our PREMIUM version

Some organizations may need more features master their job.
Upgrade to PREMIUM for a very reasonable cost.

No need to choose

Mobile and Desktop Versions

Work from anywhere using Beepmee on smartphones or on desktop.
Make office teams and frontliners work efficiently together on a unique platform.

Advanced Management Features

Beepmee is just for you and your organization if:

  • You think emails are not the ultimate tool for teams collaboration on daily tasks,

  • You need to communicate instantly within groups,

  • You need to get your tasks and data well organized.


Work and collaborate in a secure environment by setting your own organization for you and your colleagues.
Manage users access and permissions.

01 — Chat instantly

Communicate easily with Beepmee using 1 to 1 chats, private or public channels. Create your own groups of users and save time.

02 — Share messages, track tasks

Transform any message into a ToDo task with its category, assignee, deadline or map location.Transform any message into an e-mail.Create any checklist.

03 — Do not care about limitations

Data, users, messages are unlimited

Subscribe in the App directly, we couldn't do more simple!

  • IOS, Android and Web apps

  • 1:1, private groups and public chats

  • Unlimited categories and tasks management

  • Set unlimited GPS locations and deadlines

  • Unlimited channels

  • Unlimited messages

  • 10 day messages and data storage history

  • Security encryption

  • Email support

  • Convert messages into emails

All free features, plus:

  • Unlimited messages and data storage history

  • Unlimited users

  • Unlimited messages and data

  • Search Function

  • Video calls (soon)

  • Your company Intranet: share highlights, news, surveys and connect all your company

  • Dedicated support 24/7

Need more?

  • Dedicated server

  • Video calls

  • Tailor Made solutions

  • SLA agreement


Spend 2 minutes to install Beepmee and save hours on your daily tasks!

© Bepmee. All rights reserved.

Privacy Policy - GDPR

Perform Wave Consulting S.R.L., with registered office in Str. Constantin Dobrogeanu Gherea 131A, CM13 Bucharest, Bucharest county, registered at the Commercial Registry of the Bucharest Court under EUID ROONRC.J40/5730/2020, is a personal data operator.
Personal data will be collected and processed by Altex only to the extent permitted by General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR).
Terms within the meaning of General Regulation (EU) 2016/679:
"personal data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); an identifiable natural person is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more many specific elements, specific to his physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity;
"processing" means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or sets of personal data, with or without the use of automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extract, consult, use, disclose by transmission, disseminate or otherwise make available, align or combine, restrict, delete or destroy;
"restriction of processing" means the marking of stored personal data in order to limit their future processing;
"operator" means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data; when the purposes and means of processing are established by Union law or domestic law, the operator or the specific criteria for its designation may be provided for in Union law or domestic law;
"person authorized by the operator" means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the operator;
"third party" means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, the operator, the person authorized by the operator and the persons who, under the direct authority of the operator or the person authorized by the operator, are authorized to process data with personal character;
"consent" of the data subject means any manifestation of the data subject's free, specific, informed and unambiguous will by which he accepts, by an unequivocal statement or action, that personal data concerning him be processed;
Perform Wave Consulting S.R.L., processes personal data collected based on the conclusion and execution of sales contracts with customers; donation contracts concluded with donors in case they act as a partner of commercial companies/legal entities under private law without profit in a fund-raising campaign; in order to achieve the legitimate interests in relation to the purposes mentioned above and in other situations based on the consent of the customers.
The purposes of data collection are: informing users/customers (buyers) about the status of their account on the Beepmee application; informing users/customers regarding the evolution and status of orders; commercial activities; promoting products and services, marketing, advertising, media, administrative, development, market research, statistics, tracking and monitoring of sales and consumer behavior; carrying out actions undertaken for the purpose of raising funds through direct donations made on Beepmee application and informing users about these actions.
In the case of evaluating the products and services offered/publishing reviews, the user connected to his own account will give a rating to the purchased products and will publish reviews signed with his name and surname. These identification data have the purpose of validating the review, confirming the fact that it comes from a user who purchased the respective products from the Operator, used them and is able to provide feedback. For this purpose, additional personal data will not be processed, such as but not limited to: user data or information (other than those required to connect to the account); data of any third party: name, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, delivery or home address, account or bank card data, as well as any information that could lead to identity theft.
Likewise, data and information related to persons or groups/communities defined by gender, age, race, ethnicity, nationality, citizenship, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, level of education, social category, medical conditions or physical characteristics.
By reading this Personal Data Protection Policy and the Information Note, you have become aware of the fact that you are guaranteed the rights provided by the GDPR, respectively:
- the right to transparency of information, communications and ways of exercising your rights,
- the right to information and access to your personal data,
- the right to rectification and the right to delete data,
- the right to restrict processing,
- the right to data portability,
- the right to opposition and
- not to be subject to an automated individual decision-making process,
- the right to address the Supervisory Authority (ANSPDCP) in case of violation of your rights guaranteed by the legislation on the protection of personal data.
To exercise the rights mentioned above or for any question related to how your data is used or if some of the data about you is incorrect, you can send a written, dated and signed request to Perform Wave Consulting S.R.L., Str. Constantin Dobrogeanu Gherea 131A, CM13 Bucharest, Bucharest county, to the attention of the data protection officer - or to the email address:
In your request, please indicate whether you would like the information communicated to a specific address (postal or e-mail) or via a courier service that ensures you receive the information in person. Please note that, before we act on any such request, we reserve the right to verify your identity to ensure that the request comes from you.
You also have the right to go to court for any violation of your rights regarding the processing of personal data. The information you provide to us will only be used and stored for the purpose for which you provided it, to administer, support and evaluate our services, including to prevent breaches of system security and to comply with the law and our contractual terms.
In this regard, Perform Wave Consulting S.R.L. will store your data in accordance with the Data Retention Policy that regulates predetermined and well-documented deadlines for different categories of personal data, depending on the specifics of the operations for which they are needed. Moreover, Perform Wave Consulting S.R.L. ensure that the personal data are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed and also ensure that the period for which the personal data are stored is limited, and when the deadlines are met, the data personal data will no longer be processed for these purposes.
Perform Wave Consulting S.R.L. may provide your personal data to other companies with which it is partnered, but only on the basis of a confidentiality commitment from them, guaranteeing that this data is kept secure and that the provision of this personal information is done in accordance with the law in force, as follows: providers of courier services, banking services, mobile phone operators, collaborating private non-profit legal entities; other companies with which we can develop joint programs for offering our products and services on the market, fundraising campaigns; partners of Perform Wave Consulting S.R.L. which acts within the limits and goals established by Perform Wave Consulting S.R.L., according to the conditions of this Policy.